
Exhibit: NCSA 30th Anniversary

The Spurlock Museum "NCSA 30th Anniversary" exhibit will open on Tuesday, March 1 and close at the end of July.

"We are thrilled about this exhibit, which represents a continuation of collaborations between Spurlock and NCSA that have been going on since 2009," said Wayne T. Pitard, Director, Spurlock Museum, and Professor, Department of Religion. "I think the public will be very interested in seeing some of the surviving pieces that show the beginnings of this extraordinary center that has made so many important discoveries over the past three decades."

The famed "Black Proposal," which acts as the founding document to NCSA and four other NSF-funded supercomputer centers, will be on display, along with other important documents and hardware from actual supercomputers. Additionally, a Cray-2 supercomputer will be housed at Spurlock, on loan from the Chippewa Falls Museum of Industry and Technology in Chippewa Falls, WI.


Please visit the NCSA Colloquia Page (external link) for more information and updates.

To request disability-related accommodations for this event, please contact Brian Cudiamat at or (217) 244-5586.