Then and Now, Here and There

  • Length: 60 minutes

In this teacher-led activity, leaders will be given a pencil and pictures of objects you may use every day. Each picture will tell you which gallery the object is in. As you explore the galleries, see if you can find artifacts on display that are either:

  • older versions of the object in the picture (e.g., an early 20th century telephone to match with the picture of the cell phone), or
  • versions of the pictured artifacts that are from another part of the world (e.g., matching a frying pan with a wok).

By each picture, write the name of the artifact you have matched it with in the gallery.

Download Then and Now, Here and There (PDF)

Theme: Around the World

By nature, human beings are alike. By practice, they become different. Confucius

What is a world cultures museum? From statues to armor, mummies to masks, we exhibit artifacts that illustrate the shared challenges of humanity and celebrate the diverse ways cultures respond to them. Many of our tours address the factors that influence the needs of body, mind, and spirit and, in turn, the ways in which human beings live differently.