Crocker Land explorer reading a book

Talk: "A Chapter in the History of Reading in the Arctic: The Books of Crocker Land" by Adam Doskey

From 1913–1917, the UIUC-cosponsored Crocker Land Expedition explored the Arctic from their base camp in Etah, Greenland, where they kept a well-stocked library. Now, one hundred years later, we are reconstructing that library from photographs and archival documents. Where did the Expedition members get their books? What did they read? What happened to the books after the Expedition? This talk provides the answers. The talk will be presented by Adam Doskey, Visiting Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts at the University of Illinois.


For further information on this event, contact Kim Sheahan at or (217) 244-3355

All participants are welcome. To request disability-related accommodations for this event, please contact Brian Cudiamat at or (217) 244-5586.