Cylinder Seal


Thumbnail of Cylinder Seal (1900.53.0140A)

Detailed Images

Basic Information

Artifact Identification Cylinder Seal   (1900.53.0140A)
  1. Communication Artifacts
  2. :
  3. Personal Symbols
  4. :
  5. Personal Identification
Artist/Maker Unknown
Geographic Location
Period Babylonian
Date 2900–2334 BCE
Culture Early Dynastic IIIA

Physical Analysis

Dimension 1 (Length) 6.5 cm
Dimension 2 (Diameter) 3.3 cm
Dimension 3 (N/A) N/A
Weight 130 g
Measuring Remarks N/A
Materials Stone--Limestone
Manufacturing Processes Carved, Incising, Drilling

Research Remarks


Rogers: A huge Archaic seal from the Turko-Persian frontier near Lake Urunia. Only one other seal of this type is known. The seal is divided into two full registers. It is engraved in a series of rampant animals and an occasional nude figure. Similar in design to Nos. 2 and 6.

Porada: A feline crossed with a horned(?) animal; A human-headed bull (rev.) crossed with a horned(?) animal; three pairs of antelopes(?) [one rev. in each pair]; a lion(rev.) crossed with a bull(?). BELOW: An antelope crossed with a bull(rev.); Two crossed human-headed bulls; a lion crossed with a bull(rev.); a lion(rev.) held up by a hind leg by a hero who also holds up by a hind leg a leopard(rev.), oon his other side; a feline crossed with a bull(rev.). A scorpion (possibly serving as a terminal).

Published Description Under Review

Porada, Edith. "Concordance of Seals in the Oriental Museum, UIUC." Unpublished ms., ca. 1950.
Rogers, Frances. Babylonian Seal Cylinders as a Historical Source, UIUC Master's Thesis, 1929.

Artifact History

Credit Line/Dedication N/A
Reproduction no


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