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Displaying Records 1 through 25 of 731 records found
from the French culture

Finger Ring1924.02.0467 (1924.02.0467)
2.2 x .6 cm (3 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Adornment : Body Adornments

Buckle1924.02.0489 (1924.02.0489)
2 x 1.7 x .6 cm (1 g)
Location: Europe, West: France: Yvelines: Houdan; Butte des Gargans
Period: Medieval- Migration Age
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Clothing Accessories

Bell, Horse1924.02.0040 (1924.02.0040)
2.7 x 2.2 cm (5 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: Migration Age; 500–800
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Animal Husbandry T&E : Animal Care Equipment

Reproduction Plaster Cast of Diptych1912.05.0006 (1912.05.0006)
25.8 x 24.3 x 1.5 cm (907 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 14th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Panel Fragment1926.04.0008 (1926.04.0008)
72.5 x 16 x 1.1 cm (466 g)
Location: Europe, West: France?
Period: Medieval, Gothic; 15th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Built Environment Artifacts : Building Components : Surface Elements

Reproduction: Warrior in Chain Mail Armor1913.09.0005B (1913.09.0005B)
180 x 30 x 55 cm ( g)
Location: Europe, West: France, Germany
Period: 12th –13th century original
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Armaments : Body Armor

Bastard Sword1917.05.0023A (1917.05.0023A)
116.2 x 21.1 x 2.4 cm (1864 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: Renaissance; 15th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Armaments : Edged Weapons

Folio: Illuminated Sheet Music1929.14.0003 (1929.14.0003)
51.1 x 35.3 x .1 cm (30 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: Medieval; 15th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Literary Works

Hammer1972.21.0355 (1972.21.0355)
30.6 x 14.1 x 2.9 cm (1066 g)
Location: America, North: United States: Peoria County: Illinois: Peoria
Period: 1682 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Multiple Use T&E for Materials

Material Sample: Brocade Fragment1925.02.0132 (1925.02.0132)
35 x 19 x .1 cm (10 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1715 – 1774
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Chrismatory1931.12.0001A (1931.12.0001A)
12.5 x 11.5 x 8.5 cm (671 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 17th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Chasuble, Liturgical Vestment1925.02.0001 (1925.02.0001)
96.1 x 77.1 x .4 cm (786 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 17th - 18th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Status Symbols

Material Sample: Silk Brocade1925.02.0051 (1925.02.0051)
15.5 x 7.9 cm (4 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1643–1715 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Cloth Fragment1925.02.0075 (1925.02.0075)
23.1 x 22 cm (16 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1715 – 1774
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Taffeta Brocade Fragment1925.02.0097 (1925.02.0097)
45.6 x 28.6 cm (27 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1715 – 1774
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Cloth Fragment1925.02.0107 (1925.02.0107)
24.8 x 20.5 cm (17 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1714 - 1774 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Cloth Fragment1925.02.0108 (1925.02.0108)
48.7 x 22.7 cm (14 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1715 – 1774
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Cloth Fragment1925.02.0129A (1925.02.0129A)
18.4 x 7.3 cm (7 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1700-17754 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Cloth Fragment1925.02.0129B (1925.02.0129B)
31 x 6.5 cm (10 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1700–1774 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Upholstery Fragment1925.02.0139 (1925.02.0139)
48 x 33 cm (17 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1715 – 1774
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Ikat Fragment1925.02.0140 (1925.02.0140)
27.2 x 15.6 cm (8 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1715 – 1774 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Brocade Fragment1925.02.0229 (1925.02.0229)
68.7 x 27 cm (41 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1774–1792 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Mason's Compass1929.12.0001 (1929.12.0001)
45.5 x 18.7 x 10.5 cm (435 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 16th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Drafting T&E

Material Sample: Ribbon Brocade Fragment1925.02.0182 (1925.02.0182)
52.4 x 34.5 x .1 cm ( g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: Directoire; 1795 – 1799 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Material Sample: Cloth Fragment1925.02.0187 (1925.02.0187)
30.9 x 13 cm (9 g)
Location: Europe, West: France
Period: 1774 - 1793 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

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