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Displaying Records 1 through 25 of 128 records found
from Hungary

Coin: Hungary1900.61.0118 (1900.61.0118)
1.83 x .1 cm (3.34 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary: Magyar
Period: 1881 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Exchange Media

Coin: Hungary1900.61.0119 (1900.61.0119)
1.84 x .1 cm (3.28 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: 1882 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Exchange Media

Coin: Hungary1900.61.0120 (1900.61.0120)
1.73 x .03 cm (1.64 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: 1870
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Exchange Media

Male Doll: Hungary1913.07.0015A (1913.07.0015A)
36 x 18.5 x 9.7 cm (328 g)
Location: Europe, East Europe, West: Germany, Hungary
Period: Late-19th century – Early-20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Other Documents

Display Stand for Doll1913.07.0015B (1913.07.0015B)
18.5 x 9.7 cm (274 g)
Location: Europe, East Europe, West: Germany, Hungary
Period: Late-19th century – Early-20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Furnishings : Furniture : Support Furniture

Male Doll: Hat1913.07.0015C (1913.07.0015C)
8.1 x 4.3 cm (9 g)
Location: Europe, East Europe, West: Germany, Hungary
Period: Late-19th century – Early-20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Other Documents

Female Doll: Hungary1913.07.0016A (1913.07.0016A)
37 x 26.1 x 13.5 cm (356 g)
Location: Europe, East Europe, West: Germany, Hungary
Period: Late-19th century – Early-20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Other Documents

Display Stand for Doll1913.07.0016B (1913.07.0016B)
18.5 x 10.1 cm (260 g)
Location: Europe, East Europe, West: Germany, Hungary
Period: Late-19th century – Early-20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Furnishings : Furniture : Support Furniture

Woman's Bridal Garb: Silk Brocade Jacket1913.15.0001A (1913.15.0001A)
126 x 54 x 15.7 cm (1,361 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: Late 19th – Early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Wedding Objects

Woman's Bridal Garb: Sleeveless Dress1913.15.0001B (1913.15.0001B)
182 x 136.5 x 2.5 cm (744 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: Late 19th – Early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Wedding Objects

Woman's Bridal Skirt1913.15.0001C (1913.15.0001C)
189 x 99 x 18.3 cm (1,929 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: Late 19th – Early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Wedding Objects

Woman's Bridal Apron1913.15.0001D (1913.15.0001D)
89 x 65 x .6 cm (288 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: Late 19th – Early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Wedding Objects

Woman's Bridal Scarf1913.15.0001E (1913.15.0001E)
213 x 210 x .5 cm (266 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: Late 19th – Early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Wedding Objects

Woman's Bridal Headdress1913.15.0001F (1913.15.0001F)
84 x 47 x 10.6 cm (365 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: 19th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Wedding Objects

Boot, Right1913.15.0001G (1913.15.0001G)
44.7 x 26.6 x 10.5 cm (519 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Footwear

Boot, Left1913.15.0001H (1913.15.0001H)
48 x 27.4 x 16.5 cm (531 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Footwear

Woman's Bridal Garb: Sock1913.15.0001I (1913.15.0001I)
74.8 x 22 x 1.2 cm (67 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: 1900
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Footwear

Woman's Bridal Garb: Sock1913.15.0001J (1913.15.0001J)
73.5 x 22 x 2.3 cm (64 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: 1900
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Footwear

Wedding Garb: Bow Tie1913.15.0002A (1913.15.0002A)
31.6 x 12 x 1.3 cm (27 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: Late 19th – Early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Clothing Accessories

Groom's Vest1913.15.0002B (1913.15.0002B)
45 x 41.5 x 7.7 cm (734 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: Late 19th – Early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Bridegroom's Corduroy Pants1913.15.0002C (1913.15.0002C)
126 x 66 x 7 cm (818 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Wedding Garb: Scarf1913.15.0002D (1913.15.0002D)
160.5 x 28 x 1 cm (146 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Man's Wedding Shirt1913.15.0002E (1913.15.0002E)
239 x 70.5 x .5 cm (992 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: Late 19th – Early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Wedding Garb: Hat1913.15.0002F (1913.15.0002F)
32 x 31.2 x 14 cm (186 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Period: early 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Boot, Right1913.15.0002G (1913.15.0002G)
28.4 x 16.9 x 10.1 cm (352 g)
Location: Europe, East: Hungary
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Footwear

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