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Inscribed Hellenistic or Roman Marble Manumission Stele Fragment1914.03.0008 (1914.03.0008)
13 x 9 x 4.6 cm (977 g)
Location: Europe, West: Greece: Lokris: Kalapodi; Sanctuary of Artemis Elaphabolos and Apollo
Period: Hellenistic or Roman Empire; ca. 200 BCE - 100 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Declaratory Documents
Description: Both sides are inscribed in Greek with eight lines of writing preserved on each side and from two to seven letters legible on each line.
Period: Hellenistic or Roman Empire; ca. 200 BCE - 100 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Declaratory Documents
Description: Both sides are inscribed in Greek with eight lines of writing preserved on each side and from two to seven letters legible on each line.
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