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Displaying Records 1 through 25 of 452 records found
made with Animal--Tooth

Mummy Beads1901.08.0029A (1901.08.0029A)
5.2 x 3.8 x 1.1 cm (6 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Ptolemaic?; 305-30 BCE?
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Funerary Objects

Votive Relief1926.02.0158 (1926.02.0158)
9.1 x 2.5 x 1 cm (21 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Cupboard Seat Fragment1926.02.0238A (1926.02.0238A)
34.4 x 14.7 x 3.4 cm (874 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Classification/Nomenclature: Furnishings : Furniture : Seating Furniture

Fragment, Possibly Button1914.05.0113 (1914.05.0113)
2.2 x 2.2 x .5 cm (3 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt; El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe; Menia Governorate
Period: 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Die1914.05.0161 (1914.05.0161)
1.4 x 1.3 x 1.2 cm (3 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt; El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe; Menia Governorate
Period: 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Recreational Artifacts : Game Equipment

Die1914.05.0162 (1914.05.0162)
1 x .9 x .9 cm (1 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt; El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe; Menia Governorate
Period: 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Recreational Artifacts : Game Equipment

Die1914.05.0163 (1914.05.0163)
.8 x .8 x .7 cm (1 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt; El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe; Menia Governorate
Period: 4th - 7th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Recreational Artifacts : Game Equipment

Die1914.05.0164 (1914.05.0164)
.7 x .7 x .6 cm (1 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt; El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe; Menia Governorate
Period: 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Recreational Artifacts : Game Equipment

Bead1926.02.0053 (1926.02.0053)
2.9 x 1.7 x .7 cm (4 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Textileworking T&E : Needleworking T&E

Cupboard Seat1915.01.0002A (1915.01.0002A)
35 x 34.2 x 28 cm (5,205 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Classification/Nomenclature: Furnishings : Furniture : Seating Furniture

Ceremonial Rattle1984.11.0006 (1984.11.0006)
23.4 x 5.1 x 3.5 cm (210 g)
Location: Africa, West; Nigeria; Benin City?
Period: Colonial; 18th – 19th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects
Description: Recently this item, along with other items designated as being potentially associated with the Kingdom of Benin, was presented to the Digital Benin Project, whose goal is to “bring together photographs, oral histories, and rich documentation material from collections worldwide to provide a long-requested overview of the royal artworks looted in the 19th century...

Diviner's Female Figure1993.22.0001 (1993.22.0001)
65.3 x 21.7 x 17.9 cm (5,399 g)
Location: Africa, Central; Angola
Period: 1900
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Walrus Tusk Lamp1924.02.0172 (1924.02.0172)
8.1 x 8.1 x 5.8 cm (280 g)
Location: Europe, West; France
Period: Neolithic; 4500 - 2500 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Furnishings : Lighting Equipment : Lighting Devices

Reproduction: Plaque1949.02.0001 (1949.02.0001)
11.3 x 8.6 x 1.7 cm (217 g)
Location: Europe, West
Period: Medieval; 14th – 15th century?
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Chess Piece, King1936.02.0003 (1936.02.0003)
6.2 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm (15 g)
Location: Europe, West
Period: Renaissance; 1500 – 1600 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Recreational Artifacts : Game Equipment

Comb1929.06.0003 (1929.06.0003)
13.5 x 10.6 x .5 cm (67 g)
Location: Europe, West; France
Period: Renaissance; 15th – 16th century?
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Hair Care Artifacts

Hunting Crossbow1922.03.0001A (1922.03.0001A)
80 x 79 x 33.1 cm (8,626 g)
Location: Europe, West; Germany
Period: Renaissance; Mid - late 16th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Armaments : Edged Weapons

Wheel Lock Rifle1936.02.0010 (1936.02.0010)
118 x 25 x 7 cm (5705 g)
Location: Europe, West; Germany
Period: 17th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Armaments : Firearms

Pistol Stock1956.01.0018 (1956.01.0018)
31.4 x 9.2 x 3.3 cm (208 g)
Location: Europe, West; United Kingdom; Great Britain
Period: 17th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Armaments : Armament Accessories

Coffee Mortar1931.09.0006A (1931.09.0006A)
28.3 x 22.1 cm (4,594 g)
Location: Asia, West
Period: Late Ottoman Empire; 19th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Processing & Preparation T&E : Food Preparation Equipment

Torah scroll1993.12.0005 (1993.12.0005)
105 x 36 x 18.5 cm (5,400 g)
Location: Europe, West; Italy
Period: 16th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Sitar1985.11.0055 (1985.11.0055)
126.2 x 30.5 x 28 cm (2054 g)
Location: Asia, South; India
Period: Colonial; 1900
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Lettering Brush1900.16.0029A (1900.16.0029A)
18.2 x .6 cm (4 g)
Location: Asia, East; China
Period: Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) - Republic of China (1912-1949); 20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Written Communication T&E : Writing Devices

Dizi, Transverse Flute1941.01.0010A (1941.01.0010A)
59.2 x 2.1 cm (78 g)
Location: Asia, East; China
Period: Late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911); 1850 – 1911 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Narcotics Balance Scale1924.07.0012 (1924.07.0012)
25.7 x 15 x 6.5 cm (13 g)
Location: Asia, East; China
Period: Qing Dynasty (1644-1911); 1850 - 1911 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Weights & Measures T&E

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