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Displaying Records 1 through 25 of 2217 records found
with a credit line of Avery Brundage Collection

Dagger1977.01.0324A (1977.01.0324A)
29 x 5.6 x 2.2 cm (245 g)
Location: Europe, West; Spain; Castile-LaMancha; Toledo
Period: 20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Armaments : Edged Weapons

Sheath1977.01.0324B (1977.01.0324B)
18.1 x 2.5 x 1.2 cm (30 g)
Location: Europe, West; Spain; Castile-LaMancha; Toledo
Period: 20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Armaments : Edged Weapons

Futonji, Futon Cover1977.01.0276 (1977.01.0276)
164.3 x 157 cm (1,052 g)
Location: Asia, East; Japan
Period: Showa – Heisei; 1950 – 1977
Classification/Nomenclature: Furnishings : Bedding

Figurine: Takasago Pine Spirit1977.01.0206A (1977.01.0206A)
7.7 x 3.8 x 3 cm (71 g)
Location: Asia, East; Japan; Takasago
Period: Showa Period (1926-1989); 1972
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Figurine: Sumiyoshi Pine Spirit1977.01.0206B (1977.01.0206B)
7.9 x 4.2 x 2.9 cm (84 g)
Location: Asia, East; Japan; Takasago
Period: Showa Period (1926-1989); 1972
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Acrobat Vessel1977.01.0083A (1977.01.0083A)
22.5 x 20.2 x 19.2 cm (2016 g)
Location: America, North; Mexico; West Mexico
Period: Pre-Columbian; 600
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Hydria, Black-Glaze1977.01.1683 (1977.01.1683)
35.3 x 32.3 x 25.3 cm (2584 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Attica; Athens
Period: Archaic Period (800 - 480 BC) ; 540–530 BCE.
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Processing & Preparation T&E : Food Storage Equipment

Figure Neck Amphora1977.01.1685 (1977.01.1685)
29 x 18.3 x 17.8 cm (1,283 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Attica
Period: Attic - Middle; 500 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Processing & Preparation T&E : Food Storage Equipment

Strigil1977.01.0230 (1977.01.0230)
25.7 x 7.1 x 2.7 cm (67 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece?
Period: 6th BCE- 3rd CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Hygiene Artifacts

Coin: Japan, 1000 Yen Olympic Edition1977.01.0439B (1977.01.0439B)
3.45 x .2 cm (19.75 g)
Location: Asia, East; Japan; Tokyo
Period: Showa Period (1926-1989); 1964
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Exchange Media

Promotional Reflector for Olympic Weight Lifting Fund 1977.01.0974 (1977.01.0974)
10.6 x 8.6 x .2 cm (50 g)
Location: America, North; United States; Ohio
Period: 1936 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Advertising Media

Commemorative Bowl: Etched Lead Crystal with Runners1977.01.0001 (1977.01.0001)
31 x 20 x 18.7 cm (7,328 g)
Location: Europe, West; France
Period: Mid 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Olympic Flag1977.01.0002A (1977.01.0002A)
164 x 98 x .1 cm (313 g)
Location: America, North; United States
Period: Mid 20th century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Olympic Flag Pole1977.01.0002B (1977.01.0002B)
93.5 x 2.6 x 2.6 cm (412 g)
Location: America, North; United States
Period: Mid 20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Olympic Flag Pole Rope1977.01.0002D (1977.01.0002D)
313 x 6.5 x 2.6 cm (66 g)
Location: America, North; United States
Period: Mid 20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Olympic Flag Pole Base1977.01.0002E (1977.01.0002E)
30.6 x 30.6 x 11.7 cm (2,958 g)
Location: America, North; United States
Period: Mid 20th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Sculpture for X Winter Olympics in Grenoble1977.01.0003 (1977.01.0003)
38.1 x 10.9 x 5.7 cm (4,210 g)
Location: Europe, West; France; Grenoble
Period: 1968
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Commemorative Tray for Avery Brundage's 70th Birthday from the Pan American Sports Organization1977.01.0004 (1977.01.0004)
82.5 x 57 x 3.5 cm (5,935 g)
Location: America, North; Mexico
Period: 1967
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Tray for Avery Brundage's 70th Birthday from International Olympic Committee Colleagues1977.01.0005 (1977.01.0005)
50.5 x 38.5 x 2.3 cm (2,061 g)
Location: Europe, West
Period: 1957
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Tray for XIX Summer Olympics in Mexico City: Organizing Committee1977.01.0006 (1977.01.0006)
49.8 x 38.1 x 2.6 cm (2,740 g)
Location: America, North; Mexico
Period: 1967
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Tray Presented to Avery Brundage by Ing. Aaron Merino Fernandez, Mexico1977.01.0007 (1977.01.0007)
44.1 x 25.6 x .1 cm (950 g)
Location: America, North; Mexico
Period: 1965
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Tray Presented to Avery Brundage from Mexico City in Memory of the XIX Summer Olympics in Mexico City1977.01.0008 (1977.01.0008)
40.8 x 2.3 cm (1,231 g)
Location: America, North; Mexico; Mexico City; Mexico City Federal District
Period: 1972
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Commemorative Tray Avery Brundage for his 80th Birthday from the Hellenic Olympic Committee1977.01.0009 (1977.01.0009)
31.6 x 1.4 cm (767 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece
Period: 1967
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Documentary Artifacts : Memorabilia

Service Award Tray for Avery Brundage as President of the International Olympics Committee1977.01.0010 (1977.01.0010)
30.6 x 1.6 cm (503 g)
Location: America, North; United States
Period: 1972
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Achievement Symbols

Commemorative Plate: Town Hall of Puebla1977.01.0011A (1977.01.0011A)
29.8 x 29.3 x 2.6 cm (970 g)
Location: America, North; Mexico; Puebla State
Period: 1963
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Achievement Symbols

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