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Displaying Records 1 through 23 of 23 records found
with a credit line of Gift of Mrs. Lenore E. March

Votive Figure of Baboon1992.04.0020 (1992.04.0020)
8.1 x 4.1 x 3.2 cm (130 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: middle kingdom; 1950 - 1850 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Reproduction of Horus Falcon Votive Figure1992.04.0004 (1992.04.0004)
23.5 x 20.6 x 10.3 cm (1,660 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Greco-Roman; 330 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Funerary Objects

Reproduction of Shabti1992.04.0009 (1992.04.0009)
17.2 x 5.1 x 4.5 cm (228 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: 21st –29th Dynasties; 1150 – 663 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Funerary Objects

Ushabti Figurine1992.04.0012 (1992.04.0012)
6.5 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm (10 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: 25th–26th Dynasties; 700 – 600 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Funerary Objects

Ushabti Figurine1992.04.0013 (1992.04.0013)
5.6 x 1.5 x .5 cm (5 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: 700 – 600 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Funerary Objects

Scarab Amulet Reproduction1992.04.0018 (1992.04.0018)
4.5 x 3 x 2.8 cm (52 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Ptolemaic; 7th century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Belief Symbols

Bes, Amulet1992.04.0016 (1992.04.0016)
1.9 x .8 x .3 cm (4 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Third Intermediate Period (Assysrian Empire); 664 - 630 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Belief Symbols

Isis Figurine1992.04.0011 (1992.04.0011)
12.1 x 3.1 x 1.8 cm (130 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Hellenistic – Roman; 332 BCE – 323 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Ibis Figure1992.04.0001 (1992.04.0001)
16.1 x 13 x 4.6 cm (521 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Assyrian–Late Egyptian; 7th century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Votive Figure: Ibis1992.04.0003 (1992.04.0003)
36.4 x 24.5 x 9.8 cm (2,653 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Third Intermediate Period, 25th Dynasty; 7th century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Ibis Figure1992.04.0005 (1992.04.0005)
20.9 x 19.2 x 7.6 cm (553 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Assyrian–Late Egyptian; 7th century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Scarab1992.04.0019A (1992.04.0019A)
6.8 x 4.2 x .9 cm (21 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Third Intermediate– Late Egyptian Empire, 25th - 26th Dynasties ?; 7th century BCE?
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Belief Symbols

Scarab1992.04.0019B (1992.04.0019B)
5.8 x 3 x .4 cm (10 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Third Intermediate– Late Egyptian Empire, 25th - 26th Dynasties ?; 7th century BCE?
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Belief Symbols

Scarab1992.04.0019C (1992.04.0019C)
5.8 x 3.1 x .4 cm (11 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Third Intermediate– Late Egyptian Empire, 25th - 26th Dynasties ?; 7th century BCE?
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Belief Symbols

Amulet1992.04.0015 (1992.04.0015)
3.7 x 1.2 x .8 cm (4 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: 25th - 26th Dynasties; 7th century BCE or later
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Belief Symbols

Reproduction of Bust1992.04.0006 (1992.04.0006)
13.9 x 14 x 7.6 cm (1,943 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Middle Kingdom; 1900 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Reproduction of Bust1992.04.0007 (1992.04.0007)
19.9 x 13.2 x 8.7 cm (1,449 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: New Kingdom, Early Amarna Period; 1370 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Reproduction of Ptah Figurine1992.04.0008 (1992.04.0008)
24.2 x 12.6 x 10 cm (720 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Osiris Votive Figure1992.04.0014 (1992.04.0014)
7.1 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm (42 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Ptolemaic; 4th century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Funerary Objects

Bead1992.04.0021 (1992.04.0021)
3.9 x 3 cm (27 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Ptolemaic; 4th century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Textileworking T&E : Needleworking T&E

Frog Scale Weight1992.04.0017 (1992.04.0017)
3.7 x 1.8 x 1.4 cm (4 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: 7th century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Weights & Measures T&E

Ibis Figure1992.04.0002 (1992.04.0002)
18.3 x 16.9 x 4.7 cm (714 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Assyrian–Late Egyptian; 7th century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Shabti1992.04.0010 (1992.04.0010)
12.6 x 3.2 x 2.6 cm (63 g)
Location: Africa, North; Egypt
Period: Third Intermediate–Late Egyptian; 1150–663 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Funerary Objects

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