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Displaying Records 1 through 25 of 163 records found
from Antinoe

Cross Pendant1912.01.0056B (1912.01.0056B)
8.3 x 4.2 x 1.5 cm (12 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Late Roman, Early Christian; 2nd century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Personal Symbols : Belief Symbols

Votive Cross1912.01.0057 (1912.01.0057)
9 x 4.6 x .3 cm (2 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Early Christian, Late Roman; After 100
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

Jar, Situla or Lustration1912.01.0058 (1912.01.0058)
9.8 x 5.4 cm (142 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Hygiene Artifacts

Cosmetic Jar, Situla or Lustration1912.01.0059 (1912.01.0059)
10.4 x 5.7 cm (209 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: 30 BCE - 323 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Beauty Supplies

Cosmetic Jar, Situla or Lustration1912.01.0060 (1912.01.0060)
13.6 x 8 x .7 cm (541 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoë
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Beauty Supplies

Cosmetic Jar1912.01.0061 (1912.01.0061)
6.7 x 2.2 cm (28 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Beauty Supplies

Situla or Lustration Vessel1912.01.0062 (1912.01.0062)
12.8 x 4.5 x .5 cm (162 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Beauty Supplies

Alabastron1912.01.0063 (1912.01.0063)
6.8 x 2.6 x 1.5 cm (61 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Hygiene Artifacts

Jar, Situla or Lustration1912.01.0064 (1912.01.0064)
8.3 x 4.1 cm (54 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Beauty Supplies

Jar, Situla or Lustration1912.01.0065 (1912.01.0065)
15.9 x 3.8 cm (125 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Beauty Supplies

Albastron1912.01.0066 (1912.01.0066)
7.1 x 3.3 x 1.8 cm (54 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Hygiene Artifacts

Alabastron1912.01.0067 (1912.01.0067)
9.7 x 3.9 x 3.7 cm (85 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Hygiene Artifacts

Key, Fragment1914.05.0008 (1914.05.0008)
9.4 x 1.7 x .5 cm (5 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Regulative & Protective T&E : Protective Devices

Lock Fragment1914.05.0010 (1914.05.0010)
4.6 x 4 x 1.6 cm (9.9 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire; 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Built Environment Artifacts : Building Components : Door & Window Elements

Sliding Lock1914.05.0011 (1914.05.0011)
5.6 x 5.3 x 1.8 cm (14.7 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire
Classification/Nomenclature: Built Environment Artifacts : Building Components : Door & Window Elements

Lock Fragment: Washer1914.05.0012 (1914.05.0012)
2.3 x 1.8 x .1 cm (2 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire; 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Built Environment Artifacts : Building Components : Door & Window Elements

Bronze Washer from Lock1914.05.0013 (1914.05.0013)
2.6 x 2.5 x .1 cm (2 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire; 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Multiple Use T&E for Materials

Washer from Lock1914.05.0014 (1914.05.0014)
1.9 x .1 cm (1 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire; 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Multiple Use T&E for Materials

Washer from Lock1914.05.0015 (1914.05.0015)
2.5 x .1 cm (2 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire; 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Multiple Use T&E for Materials

Washer from Lock1914.05.0016 (1914.05.0016)
3.1 x .1 cm (2 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Period; 2nd - 6th century
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Multiple Use T&E for Materials

Key1914.05.0017 (1914.05.0017)
3.6 x 1.9 x 1 cm (4.1 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Regulative & Protective T&E : Protective Devices

Key1914.05.0018 (1914.05.0018)
2.8 x 1.9 x 1 cm (2.2 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Regulative & Protective T&E : Protective Devices

Key1914.05.0019 (1914.05.0019)
3.2 x 2.1 x 1.1 cm (3.4 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Regulative & Protective T&E : Protective Devices

Staple1914.05.0020 (1914.05.0020)
2.7 x 2.1 x .6 cm (9 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire; 7th – 1st century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Woodworking T&E

Unguent Spoon1914.05.0021 (1914.05.0021)
13.1 x .8 x .3 cm (4 g)
Location: Africa, North: Egypt: Menia Governorate: El-Sheikh Ibada; Antinoe
Period: Roman Empire; 7th – 1st century BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Toilet Articles : Hygiene Artifacts

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