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Displaying Records 1 through 25 of 59 records found
from Campania [and] Region

Plaster Cast of Roman Statue: Narcissus1900.12.0006 (1900.12.0006)
62 x 26 x 26 cm (5,500 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Roman Empire; 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Reproduction of Cooking Pot1900.12.0047 (1900.12.0047)
51.5 x 12 x 9 cm (606 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Processing & Preparation T&E : Cooking Vessels

Coin: Didrachm, Velia1900.63.0002 (1900.63.0002)
2.15 x .03 cm (7.16 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Salerno Province: Campania Region: Velia
Period: 400-300 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Exchange Media
Description: This Greek coin is a silver Didrachm from the ancient city Velia in Italy. Italy, as well as Sicily, was part of Magna Graecia (Great Greece) that had Greek colonies...

Coin: Didrachm, Neapolis1900.63.0009 (1900.63.0009)
2.02 x .39 cm (7.39 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Naples
Period: 480-400 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Exchange Media

Coin: Stater, Poseidonia1900.63.0043 (1900.63.0043)
1.64 x .38 cm (7.86 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Paestum
Period: 470-400 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Exchange Media
Description: This Greek coin is a silver Stater from Poseidonia in the Lucanian district of Italy. It was struck in the 5th century BCE...

Coin: Didrachm, Nola1900.63.0594 (1900.63.0594)
2.12 x .22 cm (7.03 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Nola
Period: Classical; 360-335 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Exchange Media
Description: This Greek coin is a silver Didrachm from Nola in Campania in Italy. Italy, as well as Sicily, was part of Magna Graecia (Great Greece) that had Greek colonies...

Coin: AE 21, Naples1900.63.1197 (1900.63.1197)
2.11 x .22 cm (4.72 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Naples
Period: 270-240 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Exchange Media

Plaster Cast of Roman Statue Doryphoros (Spear Carrier) from Pompeii: Head and Torso1912.02.0001A (1912.02.0001A)
129.8 x 62.5 x 34.7 cm (waived g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Classical; 1st century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Plaster Cast of Roman Statue Doryphoros (Spear Carrier) from Pompeii: Lower Half1912.02.0001B (1912.02.0001B)
140.2 x 74.3 x 67.1 cm (waived g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Classical, Roman Empire; 1st. century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Plaster Cast of Lower Left Arm and Elbow of Roman Statue of Doryphoros (Spear Carrier) from Pompeii1912.02.0001C (1912.02.0001C)
54.9 x 36.5 x 13.3 cm (waived g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Classical, Roman Empire; 1st century
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Black-Glaze Oinochoe1913.04.0002 (1913.04.0002)
16.4 x 9.8 x 5.3 cm (274 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Naples
Period: Hellenistic; 300 – 250 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Service T&E : Serving Vessels

Reproduction: Bust of Lucius Caecilius Jucundus1916.07.0001 (1916.07.0001)
46 x 26.8 x 21.5 cm (30,845 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompei
Period: Roman Empire; 62 A.D.
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Reproduction Cornu, Ceremonial Horn1916.07.0003 (1916.07.0003)
142.3 x 131.8 x 26.8 cm ( g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: 2nd century BCE - 2nd century CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Reproduction Money Chest1916.07.0004 (1916.07.0004)
109.5 x 88.5 x 69.3 cm (waived g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Furnishings : Furniture : Storage & Display Furniture

Reproduction Gladiator Helmet1916.07.0005 (1916.07.0005)
37.2 x 31 x 22.2 cm (7,689 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Armaments : Body Armor

Reproduction of Cast of Finger Cymbals1916.07.0006 (1916.07.0006)
18.4 x 5.4 x 4 cm (161 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Reproduction of Cast of Finger Cymbals1916.07.0007 (1916.07.0007)
20.8 x 10.4 x 6 cm (582 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Reproduction Balance Scale Weight1916.07.0008A (1916.07.0008A)
110 x 42 x 6.5 cm (2,803 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Weights & Measures T&E

Reproduction Balance Scale Arm1916.07.0008B (1916.07.0008B)
25 x 10 x 7 cm (680 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Weights & Measures T&E

Reproduction: Cast of a Roman Flute1916.07.0009 (1916.07.0009)
47.8 x 1.6 cm (187 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Reproduction: Cast of a Roman Flute1916.07.0010 (1916.07.0010)
57.2 x 2.8 cm (416 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Reproduction: Cast of a Roman Flute1916.07.0011 (1916.07.0011)
58.3 x 6.7 x 3.8 cm (543 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Roman Empire; 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Reproduction: Cast of a Roman Flute1916.07.0012 (1916.07.0012)
86 x 2.6 cm (680 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Reproduction of Cast of a Syrinx, Roman Panpipe1916.07.0014 (1916.07.0014)
35.1 x 25.9 x 3 cm (1,813 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; Before 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication T&E : Musical T&E : Musical Instruments

Reproduction Surgical Scissors1916.07.0015 (1916.07.0015)
9.4 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm (16 g)
Location: Europe, West: Italy: Campania Region: Pompeii
Period: Early Roman Empire; 79 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Science & Technology T&E : Medical & Psychological T&E : Medical Instruments

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