Recent Acquisition: Gift of the Professor and Mrs. Kuo-Tsai Chen Family overview image

Recent Acquisition: Gift of the Professor and Mrs. Kuo-Tsai Chen Family

  • Post Date: 01/03/2019
  • Author: Registration staff
  • Reading Time: 2 minute read

The children of Professor Kuo-Tsai Chen and Mrs. Julia Tse-Yee Chen recently donated several articles of clothing from their family. The clothes were made in Hong Kong in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The scholar’s robe was gifted to Kuo-Tsai Chen when he left Hong Kong to study in the United States in the 1940s. The family clothes were brought to the United States in the 1950s by Professor and Mrs. Chen.

The scholar’s robe was gifted to Kuo-Tsai Chen when he left Hong Kong to study at Indiana University in 1947. The remaining clothing have a varied history. The childrens’ clothes were purchased in Hong Kong during trips to visit family. These clothes were taken to Brazil and on to the United States when the family moved to Urbana, Illinois.

Some of the women’s clothing belonged to Margaret Fong, Julia Tse-Yee Chen’s sister, and their mother. The Fong family lived in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taiwan in the 1950s.