Saturday Safari: Swinging (and Not So Swinging) Primates overview image

Saturday Safari: Swinging (and Not So Swinging) Primates

  • Post Date: 02/24/2001
  • Reading Time: 1 minute read

2nd and 3rd graders learned how humans differ from other primates in this Saturday Safari. Through games, activities, and demonstrations, students learned the differences between prosimians, monkeys and apes. Students pretended to have feet that could act as hands, pieced together primate puzzles, practiced primate communication without the use of speech and made movable gorilla puppets.

  • a group of kids raising using their toes to pick up objects
    Using their toes like fingers to pick up small objects, students learn the advantages of having opposable thumbs and long fingers.
  • a boy comparing pictures
    Learning the difference between prosimians, monkeys and apes.
  • a young woman helping a little girl connecting pictures
    Volunteer Jennifer Berry, class facilitator, helps a student answer the question "Where does this primate live?"